Business and Law for the Mariner (Second Edition)

Published Date: April 2015; Revised March 2016

ISBN: 9781849270663
Author: Captain Ivor R. Salter
Publisher: Brown, Son & Ferguson

Item Code: TK-BLM15 Category:


The purpose of this book is to inform mariners about the law.

What law applies to the mariner.
– How it applies to the ship and its cargo.
– How the cargo and the ship are insured.
– What the mariner will need to consider in an emergency.
– What the mariner will need to consider to help protect the owner of the vessel.
– How to employ seamen and what needs are to be provided for their care and their return home.

This should help mariners in their studies to become masters on the vessels they serve upon, and once masters will also assist them in making the business decisions masters are so often called upon to make.